Bad weather arrangements
Clinic services will be suspended when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above / “Extreme Conditions” is issued.

Under normal circumstances, the clinic services will be resumed to normal within two hours or in the next clinic session
after the cancellation of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8/”Extreme Conditions”
If you are unable to see the doctor due to Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above / “extreme conditions”, our staff will call you to reschedule your appointment on the day of service resumption.
If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued during the clinic opening hours, the clinic will continue to provide services.

If the Black Rainstorm Warning signal is issued before the opening hours of the clinic, the clinic will be closed while the warning signal is in force. Under normal circumstances, clinic services will resume to normal within two hours or in the next clinic session after the Black Rainstorm warning signal is cancelled .If you are unable to see a doctor due to the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal, our staff will call you to reschedule your appointment on the day of service resumption.